Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Girls (and Andy) Take Thailand

My beautiful friends from Sydney, Julia, Brielle and Andy, came over to Thailand for a week of fun and sun. There was plenty of both!
We began in Bangkok where Jules and I went to J.J Markets (one of the largest outdoor weekend markets in the world) and shopped up a storm, then we met Brielle and Andy at the airport and the hilarity began.

The following day we went to Wat Pho and saw the 47 meter reclining Buddha that I love so much. It was my 3rd visit to Wat Pho but the Buddha is so beautiful and the grounds of the temple are peaceful and so intricately decorated, that I don't mind going back again and again. After a brief shopping trip to MBK (the massive mall with 11 floors) we went back to our wonderful hotel for a well deserved nap.

That evening we got all dolled up and went out for a beautiful meal at The Banyan Tree Hotel. There's an amazing view from the rooftop bar/restaurant but sadly it was rained out. We were able to sit in the very plush, Japanese inspired restaurant on the 52nd floor though, and we had a delicious meal followed by some cocktails at the bar (by then it had stopped raining).

The rest of our trip was passed on Koh Chang, Thailand's largest Island who's name means Elephant Island. We stayed at The Kacha Resort on White Sand Beach and it was such a beautiful experience. We woke early and pigged out at the yummy buffet breakfast (there was an omelet chef at both the hotels we stayed at!) then lazed by the pool until it was time to eat some lunch at one of the many restaurants on the beach. After lunch i usually had a swim then a massage, followed by a cocktail. What an amazing holiday!
I was so relaxed by the end of it (and well read, i managed to finish 3 books while i was away) and I was ready to go back to the chaos of my classroom.

Jules (wearing her new beads) enjoys some chicken noodle soup Thai style at the markets - not bad for $1.20
The vintage shopping is a bit hit and miss...this is a winner though - ha ha

If i wanted to be Shirley Temple I could have bought this dress.

Watching the All Blacks whip The Wallabies in the Rugby World Cup semi finals.

Jules, Brielle and Andy at Wat Pho

Jules and I at the foot of the reclining Buddha.
(We are wearing sarongs out of respect, no skin is allowed in temples)

Jules getting some good karma
Andy, Bri and Jules at one of the little oasis' in the grounds of Wat Pho
The tiles on the temples are so colourful and beautiful.

Some of the Wat.
Jules and Bri at Wat Pho, we just missed the storm you can see brewing int he background (the beginning of the Bangkok floods)
I love the beautiful colours in Wat Pho!

Me and a really fun stone dragon.

Andy ordered 12 oysters as an entree at Banyan Tree. They were SO tasty! 

Jules ordered the lobster bisque, it was so tasty too!

Oyster rush?

Jules, Bri and Andy at the rooftop bar overlooking the lights of Bangkok.

Bri and I posing so hard!

My beautiful friends waving to me from the perfect water on White Sand Beach, Koh Chang.

Dusk at White Sand Beach, Day 1. Note the tables and chairs for the restaurants are actually on the sand. Loved it! 

Jules on holiday!
The love birds!
Jules enjoying her BBQ fish
Jules and I having eaten our beautiful fresh seafood dinner (BBQ red snapper with a lime and chili dressing - YUM)

The view from the pool, Day 2
The funniest sign for coffee EVER! Read it, it doesn't make any sense at all.

Although Bri and I loved the coffee at that cafe, despite the crazy sign.
We walked into a waterfall. I think at this point we're discussing how our shoes (flip-flops) aren't suited for trekking.  

Beautiful fresh water, so refreshing after the trek!

Bri on the platform just off the pristine beach on tiny Koh Wai. We went on a half day snorkel trip. FUN!

Perfect Koh Wai

The coconut collector
Brie and I jump for joy, Andy imitates The Hulk
We heart Koh Wai!

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