Thursday, April 21, 2011

Suk-San Wan Songkran

‘The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round’ that song will be the death of me. I hum it in the shower, I sing it in the street and I dream it at night. The kids love it though, so what am I going to do? J
Khanom Beach
Last Wednesday I wrote about the Songkran water fight at school. It was fun, lots of splashing and giggles. But my Songkran continued, and got better!

On Thursday a few other teachers and I stood on one of the main roads for 5 hours and fired water at all the passing motorbikes and cars. The best part was the cars were laden with people firing water back at us. It was a watery mayhem and I loved every minute of it!

On Friday my darling new friend and fellow teacher Lydia, went to Khanom, a beach only 1.5 hrs from Nakhon. I had heard that Khanom was pretty badly hit by the storm/floods and when we got there the beach was littered with debris but that was nothing compared to the photos the locals showed us of the day after the storm ended. Khanom looked like Beirut after the bombings.
Happily most of it had been cleared away and Lydia and I were blessed with sunny days, calm waters and moonlit nights.

We stayed at a simple bungalow attached to the Rasta Bar and simply ate, swam, read, swam, slept, drank, slept and swam for 3 days. It was spectacular! 

Lydia outside the Rasta Bar at Khanom

The view from the tower at CC's Beach Bar at Khanom
Back in Nakhon and Kindergarten were behaving badly this week. I had to punish my first student (she had a time out in the corner) and I raised my voice...twice! L
I’ve taken some pictures of the classes I teach. Despite this week (something in the water that made them naughty??) they’re so cute and I adore them!
Kiddies with their ABC colouring charts

Teacher Oat and I with a Kindergarten 2 class

Teacher Boo - who i will be working alongside this year - and a Kindergarten 2 class

Jane (my friend who told me about this town/school and whom I am currently staying with) was showing her mum and sister around Nakhonshire this week. It was so great to see her all proud and showing off the town. It’s not much but the people here are so fun, we’re lucky to have a great group of teachers and friends here.
I’m still looking for a house to live in. I’m going to see somewhere tomorrow but I think it’s going to be too expensive for Jane and I. Fingers crossed. Apparently there are a lot of families who live 2 or 3 hrs away from Nakhon so come term time they rent little houses for their kids to stay in. I’ve been told it’s better to find a place to live in before they’re all taken by the kids. And mind you, the kids are quite young, 14/15/16. I bet they do no work and just play Nintendo all afternoon...pffft. I’m happy I have kindy...they’re easy; you can scare them into doing their homework just by looking at them.

Until next time xxx Bliss

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